I thought the collusion of "The Bigs" in selling global warming was bad, but this drive for government to take control of the nation's health care system is "Big Trouble" taken to a new level.
The MAJOR "red flag" for me in the entire man-made global warming fiasco has been the coincident agendas of the "Bigs" - in this case Big Government, Business, Media, Academia. They all marched in lockstep to foist a belief system on us "rubes".
Since they control the levers of information and power, they have been able to promote their agenda while minimizing any opposition to it. That's all unraveling now, but still...a LOT of damage has been done, and a lot of propaganda has been successfully embedded in many minds.
Well...here we are again, but this time with 1/6 of the American economy. This is a disaster being crammed down our throats by a political party that has no intention of following the will of the American people.
The Democrats have a majority so they can do as they pretty much wish, especially if they decide to flout long-established Senate parliamentary rules. I expect them to do so, and reveal themselves as the "little dictators" they so want to be.
America was established as a republic, NOT a democracy. The reason? Because democracies are run by majority rule, and the people voting as a majority will eventually vote themselves so many entitlements that they vote their government out of its ability to function. This opens the door for dictatorship to come in to save the day.
This is exactly what's happening.
What happens is that "Two Sets of Rules" become the norm. These are unspoken, but real nonetheless.
Read this and see if you agree this is happening now:
"The American people have a clear understanding of this. Seventy percent believe that government and big business tend to work together against the rest of us and there is a sense that there are two sets of rules. There is one set of rules that most Americans play by, small businesses, churches, community groups, that has a lot of accountability, and then there is a whole separate set of rules for a political and corporate elite that doesn't want to be bound by such petty things as accountability."
And does this sound familiar?
...the traditional understanding is that a business that does well by serving its customers prospers, while the business that doesn't, goes out of business. But when the political and business elites get together, they use tax dollars to bail out failing businesses and establish regulatory regimes to prop them up, keep out competitors, and insure continued revenues.
That way, the political elites get more power and jobs, while the corporate elite gets more income and "market stability." Another word for this arrangement is spelled C-O-N.
We are being CONNED by an aggressive, hand-in-hand relationship between Big Government and Big Business.
They've got incredible power. They control MUCH of the mass communications industry, so they can get their message out in the most positive "spun" form possible.
They can use this power to attack dissenters, and paint them as extremists and "divisive". (Someone needs to shoot that word, please.)
When a blogger or talk radio host, or Fox News, points out a downside or threat from this collusion of "The Bigs", they become target #1. Many fall for it and "attack the messenger".
And many of those who fall for it are the same people who came of age in the 1970's and rooted for Luke and Han against the Empire, or cheered as Mike Wallace used a "whistleblower" to expose corruption.
They used to not trust "The Man". Now they cheer for and protect "The Man". Sheesh.
I don't know what happened, but this collusion between Big Government and Big Business is not the Founders' intention. They knew that power corrupts.
Perhaps we just seek Security now, above Freedom.
I hope not. We can still stop this thing.
Hi, John - I wanted to be the first to comment on one of your blogs. Mike
Not sure a comment that you commented qualifies...thanks though Mikey!!
Got a few on my older posts.
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