... and the Left is running around with their dresses pulled over their heads, screaming about "incendiary language".
I recall Obama during the campaign telling his supporters to "Get in their faces."
I also recall him saying (in Philadelphia... you know The City of Brotherly Love) that "If they bring a knife to this fight, we'll bring a gun."
Politics has been called "War by Another Name". There are all sorts of war-related metaphors tossed around. There have even been political shows on TV like Firing Line and Crossfire.
(Please note: Firing Line never used a real "firing line" on that show. Crossfire did not include actual gun battles.)
It's just natural to talk about targeting your opposition and getting your troops out.
When Palin says to target these districts and Congress-people, she doesn't mean to line them up in the crosshairs of your real gun and shoot them. She means to target them for defeat in the November elections.
And I don't literally mean that Leftists and Democrats are running around with dresses pulled over their heads. I mean they are calling attention to their fake outrage in order to make a political point, and to distract from the real and substantive criticisms of the bill they've just passed.
After all, it's far easier to demonize your opposition than to argue with, and actually rebut, his positions.
It's easier to call your opposition "inciters of violence" or "racist" than to debate the issues of debt, higher taxes, and mandatory insurance.
Want to see REAL incendiary language...and pictures? Want to see real hate speech, and incitement of violence?
Look again at the top of this post.
That's President Bush being assassinated.
It's from a REAL mock-documentary film called "Death of a President".
It was produced by the Left. Again, it's a real, actual film promoting and depicting violence.
Or here's John Kerry to Bill Maher, from an October 2006 interview:
Maher : You could have went to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone.
Kerry : Or, I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone .
Very nice. America really dodged a bullet when he was defeated for President. (Oops... dodged a bullet... we might have gotten shot or something!)
Take a look at this website, if you have the stomach for it. You'll see what the Left really thinks about violence and incendiary language.
"George W. Bush must die!"
I'm shedding no tears (real or crocodile) over the Left's phony outrage at our anger over this healthcare bill.
And just to clarify: The anger is real. Humans don't shed actual "crocodile tears". That's a euphemism for "phony, fake tears".
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