I REALLY love this photo.
It was taken about a year ago at a Tea Party. This was at the start of the Tea Party Movement.
This little girl's face says it all.
She's looking at the camera and thinking to herself:
"Just who do you think you are? You think you have the right to spend money you don't have on YOURSELF and make ME pay the bill? No way, Mister. Me and my Mommy and my Daddy, and my Grandparents are gonna take care of you."
Ok... so I'm reading her mind. You can't prove she's NOT thinking that!
Chances are, her Mom and Dad sat her down and explained what was going on, and why they were going to this big Tea Party. It is, after all, simple enough for a child to understand.
For some reason though, lots of adults don't get it.
Promising to buy stuff for people using other people's money is wrong, but it's just either too difficult a concept to grasp, OR they just don't want to accept it.
After all... this IS the generation of adults that's always gotten everything they wanted... WHEN they wanted it. "Live within your means"? What's up with that? That's for losers.
Lots of people said the Tea Party Movement would fizzle out. It hasn't. It's grown, and is growing. Republicans, Democrats, Free-Thinkers from all walks of life.
The Tea Party Movement is fueled by disgust from good folks who know that making promises with other people's money is wrong, and that spending money on junk you want, but have to buy with borrowed money that your kids have to repay, is not just politically corrupt... it defies common sense and common morality.
No, the Tea Party Movement is here to stay.
It will be portrayed as racist and violent by its political opponents.
That's OK. That will just fuel even more growth. People are smart enough to see the agenda behind that lie.
It will be portrayed the same way by the Lapdog Media.
Again, OK. The Watchdog Media will report the truth.
That will fuel even more growth, for both the Tea Parties and for the Watchdog Media... Fox, Rush, the Breitbart empire, etc.
The same people who believed the Tea Party Movement would fizzle out probably believe we'll lose our intensity before November 2.
They think we'll forget about the millions of little girls and boys like this who are counting on us to NOT make them slaves to our debt. They think we won't turn out in numbers big enough to shake the foundations of this attempted Socialist takeover of the Free Enterprise System.
Not a chance.
This little girl is too precious.
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