Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Go back in time to just over a year ago.

Remember the Obamaphiles' almost worshipful evocation of the name "Obama"?

Recall the "cult of personality" that turned Hope and Change into semi-religious chants and mantras?

It made my stomach turn then and still does today. Here's a reminder (context in a moment):

The woman who made this video (and others) is Annabel Park, a filmmaker and founder of what she calls the "Coffee Party Movement"...now 50,000 friends strong on Facebook.

She claims to be in sync with the Tea Partiers (whom she has called Tea Baggers) and wants to promote "civility" in our political discourse.

(Note: "Tea Baggers" is not a civil term. In fact, it's a blatant and obscene insult. MAJOR clue as to her true intention.)

The New York Times did a news story on her that depicted her as a concerned, interested political voice. Her concern is about issues and tone, so the NYT reports.

In 2008 Ms. Park said this: "I found that people have little understanding of the change that Senator Barack Obama is advocating." This lack of understanding is what compelled her to do pro-Obama videos.

2 questions:

1. Does the video above enlighten anyone in any way possible that will promote greater "understanding" of the change Obama advocates?

2. Could it be, Ms. Park, that many of us understood perfectly well what the change was that Obama was advocating, and that's why we voted against him?

More info can be found here at Legal Insurrection

Creepy stuff, really.

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