Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Obama upside-down

Look at this graph from Gallup:

Uh-oh...bad trend Mr. President

Shows Obama's Approval at 46% and his Disapproval at 47%.

This is a 3-day rolling average.

Exactly 1 year ago his numbers were:

Approval about 68%
Disapproval about 10%

As the saying goes: "The trend is your friend."

Or not!

Americans are smart. They can see through smoke and mirrors, through blather and bluster.

Snake oil only sells for so long. "Dr. Utopias" typically get run out of town once the townsfolk figure out they've been had.

Look for charges of raaaacism to start popping up soon.

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