Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Monday, March 1, 2010

You said a mouthful, VDH!

Victor Davis Hanson says more in one column than I could come up with in a year (maybe that's not sayin' much, but I mean it as a compliment!).

Seriously.... brilliant, spot-on, grounded in the long view of man 's history. Reading VDH makes me feel new brain synapses being formed. Here's his latest:

Obama Fatigue

Here's just ONE paragraph:

5) The “Bush Did It” whine is over: Why? Two reasons: 1) Obama has copied Bush on almost all the anti-terrorism protocols that worked, such as tribunals, renditions, Patriot Act, Iraq, Afghanistan, Predators, wiretaps and intercepts. And to the extent he has not — a trial for KSM in New York, a witch hunt against the former CIA interrogators, Miranda rights for the would-be Christmas Day bomber, proposed closing of Guantanamo — the people wonder: what in the hell is this guy doing?

2) Obama turned Bush’s misdemeanors, like deficits, borrowing, and new government programs, into felonies. So in comparison, Bush doesn’t look quite so bad now: next time Obama plays the “Bush Did it” card, the public will think either “Thank God” or “Yeah, but not as badly as you did”.

My take:

In virtually every speech and major statement, Obama plays the "I inherited this mess from Bush" card. Maybe the President has been sequestered all his life, but that's simply how the world works - we ALL "inherit" situations from predecessors.

HOW we respond is OUR imprint, not theirs. How we respond is what establishes OUR legacy.

Obama inherited challenges. ALL Presidents do. No one forces anyone to run for President. Don't run if you're gonna complain about the challenges you face...

... especially if many of those challenges were created by YOU as a member of the Democrats' Congressional Majority put in place in 2006.

Suck it up and do your job. Complainers get tiresome quickly.

Read all the VDH column!

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