Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

VDH... Read him and reap!

Over on the side bar there you'll see a link to Victor Davis Hanson's website. He's a Classicist and resident Historian at Stanford's Hoover Institution.

He is grounded in history going back to ancient times, specializing in Classical Greece.

It really is amazing how history repeats itself, and VDH brings this to life. Unfortunately, we're living through a predictable moment in human history.

Here's a snippet from his most recent:

In other words, Greece is the canary in the mine of the impending crack-up of the modern welfare state. It is a great gift to us all, this example. A year ago, the socialists, even as they were juggling and falsifying their books, were bragging that the Wall Street meltdown was a referendum — and capitalism was doomed. Now, the entire socialist dream is exposed and even the most ardent statist knows that there is no longer enough “others” to pay the tab.

Read the whole thing here:

Where Did Our Real Wealth Go?


Anonymous said...

PEACE PRIZE! (preach,brother,preach!)

jim dunlop said...

their ideology and their adherence to it prohibits them from crunching the numbers and reaching the conclusion that the rational amongst the populace have already ..it's not sustainable...how tough is that?

oh yeah
(if you don't get it,bwahahahah!)

Anonymous said...

they're sodomizing while strangling the golden goose (the lower/middle class taxpayer), then berating it as it lays dying, telling it it's too stupid to vote for/support the policies that ensure it's demise...

John and Kathy Porter said...

Triple dittoes Jim.

There must be a complex interplay of pathologies feeding the almost "self-hate" of the West. Maybe prosperity as "normal" is just plain taken for granted, and then seen as "unfair" in some perverse way.

Whatever the motivations, we've had a goose laying golden eggs and have decided to kill it.

Then..(like you say)...when people say "let's love the goose" they're portrayed as stupid neanderthals..
