So I see this image a couple of weeks ago. It's Cindy McCain with a duct-taped mouth and "NO H8" on her cheek.
It's a protest against the people of California's decision in the Fall of 2008 to pass Proposition 8, which affirmed the traditional definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.
McCain is not the only one sporting this snappy and stylish protest body art. There are a slew of celebrities... the "People of Tolerance and Diversity" photographed in various poses advertising their advocacy against Prop 8.
They're the Beautiful People. They're enlightened, tolerant, broadminded and... dammit... they want you to know it.
Okay, fine. I get it.
If you're FOR Prop 8, you're a hater.
If you're AGAINST Prop 8, you get to pose with duct-tape and pretend to be broad-minded and tolerant.
In fact, you're more than that; you're held hostage by your tolerance and enlightenment. You can't even speak. Your voice has been taped shut by the forces arrayed against tolerance and enlightenment.
You can only look winsomely and forlornly at the camera while your pain is recorded for all to see and share.
Talk about smug.
The irony is that NO H8 is all hate. It's a hate-based campaign that assumes the worst about the proponents of Traditional Marriage.
A tiny percentage of opposition to Gay Marriage is based on hate; the vast majority is based on a combination of things... none of which include hate.
Assuming the worst about those you disagree with is a form of hate. So (to repeat myself) the NO H8 Campaign is using hate to campaign against hate. Are they just too obtuse to see that?
The NO H8 folks have gone out of their way to hate those they oppose. Why is that?
Are they insecure about their belief? Can they not "win" the argument on its merits? Do they not care to find the common ground, of which there's plenty?
Are they empowered by the "Culture of Aggrievement" they promote?
John McCain supports Traditional Marriage. Does Cindy think her husband is a hater?
The NO H8 people suffer from a serious case of "Plank in the eye". It's an awfully common malady.
NO H8 is in reality MO' H8.
Couldn't we agree that the fundamental message written on the cheeks of the 2000+ people photographed by Adam Bouska is positive? Shouldn't liberals and conservatives alike agree that hate is detrimental to any cause?
Nothing good can come from liberals hating conservatives for being narrow minded or conservatives hating liberals for challenging the sanctity of marriage. You wrote, "A tiny percentage of opposition to Gay Marriage is based on hate" and I want to agree but those who are most outspoken against gay marriage exude tremendous amounts of hate. In 2005 at the University of Connecticut, I watched as a classmate ask Ann Coulter what she would do if her son told her he was gay. She immediately responded that she would tell her own son that he was adopted. To me, that is hate. Furthermore, it takes a conscience effort on my part not to hate people like Ann Coulter.
We may interpret the message of the No H8 campaign differently but I believe the root of the message is positive. I do not agree that these photos are “using hate to campaign against hate” and it is that misinterpretation that perpetuates the dichotomy and thus furthers the misunderstandings. I believe that hate comes from both sides and it is viral when paired with sensitive subjects like gay rights, abortion, and religion.
I do not hate people who are in favor of Prop 8 but I would prefer to debate gay marriage and not a liberal photography campaign.
(on a side note: I am really impressed with this blog all around and I am very excited to read more of your thoughts)
Thanks Sarah!
Not advocating Coulter's approach. The very name NO H8 is a divisive one. It assumes hate where there is none.
There are haters, of course. The media focuses on them and they become the "face" of the majority, even as the minority.
It's easier to label others as haters than to deal with their objections...which are valid and profound.
Why do they get to insult my spiritual beliefs by calling me a hater?
There is SO much room for agreement here! Elton John and Alan Dershowitz have the solution, and it's a major Win-Win.
I do wonder if the McCain's have had a few spirited disagreements since she must think he's a hater...
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