Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Instit. of Physics report on AGW

The AGW (manmade global warming) "crisis" is falling apart.

Al Gore is not happy about it, but he can console himself with the tens of millons of $$ he's made selling this "Sky is Falling" cockamamy. He puts on a mad face, but he's no doubt laughing all the way to the bank. See his mad face here in today's New York Times:

"I can't believe Fox News has ruined my scam!"

Here's the opening snippet. If you enjoy smarmy self-congratulatory vision-questing dressed up with hyperbolic paranoiac delusion, you'll enjoy the whole thing:

"It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it."

You'll note - if you are able to read Gore's rant - his use of the word "consensus" to support the science. This will immediately reveal to you that Al is not doing science; he's pretending to play at science. Science is not done by consensus. That's called "politics". We build coalitions of agreement around our "take" on an issue. This is what Gore has been doing, and all he has done.

Unfortunately for Al, people (smart ones, really...people with college degrees in science, and everything!) are exposing the fraud.

Here's the latest I found today. It's a report to the UK Parliament by The Institute of Physics.

They are commenting on the CRU at The Univ of East Anglia's emails, and much more. The Institute notes the corruption of the science, and the failure by the CRU "scientists" to follow established scientific protocols (aka The Scientific Method).

Read it all... it's a quick read:

"Someone needs to shut these folks up!" - Al Gore

My take: Let's keep the planet as clean as possible. We can do that, but NOT if we put mandatory government imposed carbon restrictions and taxes on Americans.

That will make the world dirtier. Carbon demand will not cease; carbon production will simply shift overseas, along with most manufacturing.


  • Dirtier world. Both energy development AND manufacturing of goods and services will move to less environmentally-stringent areas of the world.
  • America will lose much of its producer base, and therefore much of its REAL wealth-producing capacity. Impoverishment of America follows.
Our kids will love that, huh?! (They'd actually be justified in murdering us while we sleep, thanks to our role in letting that happen.)

But Gore will be fine... somewhere in the Caymans or Seychelles, enjoying the fruits of his labor.

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