Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Happy Warrior... um.. Warriorette

I have no idea if Sarah Palin would be a good President. I do know she's qualified, as she's been a Mayor and a Governor, and accomplished quite a lot in both those offices.

Is she "fully" qualified to be President? Not sure how you define that... is anyone, really?

Compared to Barack Obama, is she qualified? Yes... (I know; low standard by which to evaluate, based on Executive experience. Zero for Obama.)

Better comparison: John Edwards. Both running for the same office. Edwards' credentials (ZERO Executive experience) rarely questioned. Palin's credentials constantly questioned.

Hello? Sexism anyone??

She didn't ask to be John McCain's running mate, but said "Yes" when asked.

The result? Instant vilification. Personal, over-the-top character assault. Vile name-calling (the "c" word, etc.).

Substantive debate on her positions on the issues? Not really. She's been pegged as a hick, and as an "inauthentic" female. Huh?

I guess if you differ from the leftist/feminist template for "women's issues" you're just a tool of the Patriarchy.

The "People of Tolerance and Diversity" don't know what to make of someone who diverges from the feminist groupthink. So be it.

Palin just keeps pluggin' away, happily pointing out the truth as she sees it, and articulating a message of faith and personal responsibility that resonates with millions of Americans.

She draws out irrational hatred and misogyny. This is a great service she performs, albeit unwittingly.

She exposes and reveals poison and hatred just by being who she is. She reveals the specific people we should shun from civil public discourse.

She's our canary in the coal mine.


Chris Muir said...

Beautiful shot up top there,oh fellow Floridian!

I concur on your take on Palin.

notdoneyet said...

Here's Johhnnnnyyyyy!
It's about time you started a blog dude! You got too many great thoughts to not get em out into the blogospheric-whatchamacallit.

John and Kathy Porter said...

Thanks Chris, and thanks for "Day by Day"! Must take a lot of work, but it's obviously a labor of love... and very effective as humor AND from the "Reverse Alinsky" perspective!

That is a killer shot. My wife took it last Fall.

Take care!