Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Posting this is almost cruel...

Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia voices a concern here on this video that verges on criminal stupidity. He must be ill... seriously.

This makes Al Gore's comment that the earth's temperature several miles down is "millions of degrees" seem like the statement of Class Valedictorian in comparison.

Watch the whole thing. The 1:30 mark is the key moment.

After the statement, watch the Admiral. He's dumbfounded. He actually has to poke himself in the eye, probably to keep from laughing out loud.

Like I said, this almost seems cruel to post. I'm totally serious, and I wouldn't post it except for one fact:

These same people have brought us the "Stimulus", Cash for Clunkers, and now Obamacare.

These are the same people who think:

  1. They can run the economy.
  2. They can run health care.
  3. They can run our lives better than we can.

The evidence is in, and it's clear. No they can't. In fact, they will dismantle the economy, health care, and our lives piece-by-piece if we let them.

So... since they are the ones undermining the blessings of liberty and prosperity handed down to us by the Founders... since they are the ones making WAR on the things that have made America the greatest secular, self-governing idea the world has ever known... because of this, we fight back.

And we use every tool we have. Our future depends on it.

That's why I posted this video.

Until we vote them out this November, as Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit often says...

"The country's in the very best of hands."


jim dunlop said...

looks like the NEXT nobel laureate! i got me a PEACE PRIZE!! (apologies to steve crowder)

John and Kathy Porter said...

I gotsa peace prize!

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