Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A Tale of Two Obamas
"Even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us--the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of 'anything goes.' Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America--there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America--there's the United States of America."--state senator Barack Obama, Democratic National Convention, July 27, 2004
Then, there's... President Obama:
"In the video message to his supporters, [President] Obama said his administration's success depends on the outcome of this fall's elections and warned that if Republicans regain control of Congress, they could 'undo all that we have accomplished.' 'This year, the stakes are higher than ever,' he said, according to a transcript of his remarks provided by Democratic officials. 'It will be up to each of you to make sure that young people, African Americans, Latinos and women who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again. . . .' "--Washington Post, April 26, 2010
Which is the REAL Obama?
Hint: people say and do a lot of things to get elected. Once in power, the real person is revealed by what they DO with power.
This is the tired old Democrat "identity politics" game they've played for decades.
For some reason, people still allow our "leaders" to get away with this.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Obama's REAL ambition?
It's from a Letter to the Editor at "The New Republic" (NOT a conservative publication!).
It's long, but worth it:
Dashendorf - As an ex-Chicago Jew (for the 8 years before moving to Israel) I must protest that not all Chicago Jews supported Obama. Hell, I didn't even vote for him for the Senate as I had a lot of vague doubts back then. Not all Chicago Jews are starry-eyed naifs.
I want to float a different hypothesis to explain Obama, different in the sense that I don't recall seeing this elsewhere. If someone has seen idea this elsewhere I'd love to know where.
Obama has let loose a few hints that he might well be satisfied to be a one term president. And as several have observed, he doesn't really seem to like the job of POTUS. In view of this, a friend and also an ex-Chicagoan (and my son's father-in-law) suggested that Obama's bizarre, and seemingly counterproductive approach to foreign policy becomes more understandable if he is merely using the presidency of the USA as a stepping stone to become UN Secretary-General.
To wit:
First of all, UN Sec'y General is the perfect job for Obama, from his perspective. He gets to sit around or travel the world and jabber with world leaders & strive to fix the world but without having the degree of administrative responsibility and accountability that is inherent in the US presidency. Indeed the UN Sec'y Generalship is almost without any accountability. Furthermore there is none of the messiness of electoral & party politics.
It's essentially a job that offers a lot of opportunity for pontification without actually having to build or do something. Just like academia from whence Obama came.
Furthermore Obama claims to be a great believer in the moral & political superiority of doing things via transnational institutions, a belief that almost has a religious, mystical quality to it. Hence his recent nuclear disarmament conference in Washington DC designed more than anything else to polish up the heavily tarnished respectability veneer of the ineffectual NPT, but without actually dealing with the pressing Iranian nukes problem in a meaningful way. Hence Obama's insistence on making-do with merely symbolic, "nibbling" sanctions that have the official blessing of the UN Security Council, as opposed to going for more effective, but less (in his mind) legitimate crushing sanctions imposed by the USA & a coalition of the willing.
Indeed, given his own views on "world governance" (also exemplified by the appointment of Harold Koh to a senior legal position in the administration) what could be a greater achievement in his mind than to become Sec'y General of the UN, in effect Supreme Leader of the World?
He seemed most in his element, most comfortable when he chaired the the UN Security Council meeting last fall. Ditto for the Climate Conference.
Assuming that Obama probably has a greater chance for the job coming as a "transnational" nominee from the Third World bloc (if need be I am sure he could arrange to get Kenyan citizenship in a flash) & hence his policy & behavior have been aimed at ingratiating himself to the Third Worlders, in part by "dissing" the icons of the first world.
Dump on the Europeans & especially the Brits, particularly by distancing himself from Brown, returning the Churchill bust, and giving ridiculous gifts to the queen & prime minister. Show undue respect to Third World monarchs & despots regardless of their human rights records.
Downplay human rights violations in third world countries so as to placate their political leadership & hence gain their support. Re-join the UN Human Rights council, a hot bed of Third Worldism, to give it increased legitimacy.
Show favor to Muslims who control a big bloc of support at the UN, by banning mention of Jihad & radical Islam.
And most of all dump on Israel, the favorite bete noir & boogey man of the Third World countries, while shielding the Palestinians -- the quintessential poster children of an "oppressed" third world people (to hell with facts like the 8+% growth in the Palestinian economy in 2009) -- from any criticism or from having to actually do something to advance the "peace process".
I am sure if you go through Obama's policies & decisions and behaviors you could come up with more examples that are quite consistent with an undeclared ongoing campaign to become UN Sec'y General by being a nominee of the Third World.
Food for thought...
Hershel Ginsburg
Efrata / Jerusalem
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Posting this is almost cruel...
This makes Al Gore's comment that the earth's temperature several miles down is "millions of degrees" seem like the statement of Class Valedictorian in comparison.
Watch the whole thing. The 1:30 mark is the key moment.
After the statement, watch the Admiral. He's dumbfounded. He actually has to poke himself in the eye, probably to keep from laughing out loud.
Like I said, this almost seems cruel to post. I'm totally serious, and I wouldn't post it except for one fact:
These same people have brought us the "Stimulus", Cash for Clunkers, and now Obamacare.
These are the same people who think:
- They can run the economy.
- They can run health care.
- They can run our lives better than we can.
The evidence is in, and it's clear. No they can't. In fact, they will dismantle the economy, health care, and our lives piece-by-piece if we let them.
So... since they are the ones undermining the blessings of liberty and prosperity handed down to us by the Founders... since they are the ones making WAR on the things that have made America the greatest secular, self-governing idea the world has ever known... because of this, we fight back.
And we use every tool we have. Our future depends on it.
That's why I posted this video.
Until we vote them out this November, as Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit often says...
"The country's in the very best of hands."