Ocean, sky, palm trees, dunes... and an opinion or two from North Florida.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Robin of Berkeley ALWAYS makes me smile!

As an ex-liberal myself, I always enjoy reading Robin of Berkeley's insight into the liberal mind.

She's a self-described "recovering liberal" and psychotherapist living and working in Berkeley, California... home of the fossilized liberal, still alive and kicking, but beliefs cemented in stone for decades.

Robin snapped out of it a couple of years ago, and is very tuned into what made her "tick".

Here's a few gems from a recent column:

Conservatives can mistakenly assume that liberals think like they do, in a learned and rational way. This is an exercise in futility since liberalism is not based on logic.

To become a conservative, I've had to learn a whole new language, one based on reason. If conservatives want to understand the liberal mind, they should consider becoming bilingual, too.

Liberals live in a stratosphere centered on emotions and magical thinking. If you've tried to reason with your daughter and she looks at you blankly; if your neighbor changes the subject during your compelling arguments; if your cousin says this about Obama: "I don't know why. I just like the guy"...that's why.

And this is true about liberals, about their sources of information, and their fear-based analysis:

Further, when liberals take the time to tune in, they get their "information" from progressive propaganda. And they don't question the Left's authority.

That's the biggest problem -- not questioning the party line even though there are obvious gaps and gaffes. A big reason for this is fear.

I had a telling e-mail exchange with a liberal friend. When I wrote that I thought Obama was a Marxist, she responded, "Don't say that! You're scaring me!"

Aside from intellectual laziness, the Fear Factor makes otherwise intelligent liberals stupidly fall into line. Liberals can scare easily.

Here's the whole article: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/05/liberals_are_from_mars_conserv.html

Make Robin a regular read!

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